Rats can make great pets and they need as much care, commitment and love as any bigger pet. In this section, we show you how to give your rats the time of their little lives.

Rat Behaviour & Training Tips

Rat Housing Guide
Don’t hem your rats into a hamster home. Don’t jam them into a gerbil cage. They need a very large home, specially designed with rats in mind.

Keeping Rats Together
Rats need to be in pairs or groups, otherwise they can become unhappy. So get your singleton some company.

Rat Feeding Guide
Rats are omnivores – which means they’ll eat almost anything. Not that you should let them. In the wild, they’re scavengers and get all the nutrients they need from a varied diet.

Rat Health Guide
The more you get to know your rats, and get to know about them, the better.
Consumer Care Line
Call our consumer care line on +44 1405 862241 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Our dedicated team of animal experts will help you make the right choice.
If you should have any concerns about the health of your four-legged friends, always consult a vet.