Rabbits can make wonderful companions when kept correctly. Rabbits are often a greatly misunderstood animal. They require significant time and investment to keep correctly. However, watching healthy, happy rabbits playing and having fun is a delight.

What Food Can Rabbits Eat?
With the correct diet, care and handling you and your rabbits will have a long and happy time together.

Can Rabbits Live Alone?
Rabbits deserve their reputation as great pets – they are friendly, inquisitive, content to play with their owners and can happily be held and stroked. With the correct diet, care and handling you and your rabbits will have a long and happy time together. In the sections below we will introduce some of the most important things you need to know in order to enjoy the experience of being a rabbit owner to the full.

Rabbit Behaviour
Rabbits deserve their reputation as great animals – they are friendly, inquisitive, content to play with their owners and can happily be held and stroked. With the correct diet, care and handling you and your rabbits will have a long and happy time together. In the sections below we will introduce some of the most important things you need to know in order to enjoy the experience of being a rabbit owner to the full.

Your Rabbits’ Health
Rabbits deserve their reputation as great pets – they are friendly, inquisitive, content to play with their owners and can happily be held and stroked. With the correct diet, care and handling you and your rabbits will have a long and happy time together. In the sections below we will introduce some of the most important things you need to know in order to enjoy the experience of being a rabbit owner to the full.

Housing Your Rabbits
Rabbits deserve their reputation as great animals – they are friendly, inquisitive, content to play with their owners and can happily be held and stroked. With the correct diet, care and handling you and your rabbits will have a long and happy time together.
Consumer Care Line
Call our consumer care line on +44 1405 862241 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Our dedicated team of animal experts will help you make the right choice.
If you should have any concerns about the health of your four-legged friends, always consult a vet.